The images were first completed and
then brought together with the narrative in Adobe Photoshop. Unfortunately the
timescales were tight in regards to completing the prototype of the book and
sending it away to print. The intention is to use Adobe In-Design when it comes
to designing the final and complete series of books titled ‘Autism: It’s The
Little Things’. Each page contains an image and some text. The idea was to try
and let the image tell the story rather than the text . The overall page layouts are very simple. The text is Kristen ITC.
This particular font was chosen because it suited the scribbly, sketchy
illustrations. The rounded lettering also tied in with the roundy faces the
characters have. The typeface and the illustrations went together hand in hand.
However the page layout is very basic. There seems to be too much of a white
background. This allows for the colourful illustrations to stand out but it
still looks very plain. It is fortunate that the completed prototype allowed
for these mistakes to be made. There is an opportunity to explore typography.
The final outcome will be the complete book with illustration and narrative and
creative typography. The typography and the background need to change for the
final books. They are far too plain. There is nothing exciting about them. The
illustrations stand out and are very expressive and animated. The type face
should match. This is something that will be taken into consideration for the
final series of books.
‘Book One: An Introduction’ was
printed by Jessops. Jessops was chosen because the delivery timescales were
quicker than that of Blurb and as mentioned previously, time was flying by
quickly. Jessops have a series of photo book (cewe books) sizes available. The
one chosen to be the final prototype for this project was the large cewe book
that measured 21cm x 28cm. This was felt to be a decent sized book. It was not
too small of too big. The hard cover was chosen. This gives the book a more
professional feel and a strong finish. The overall prototype looks like a
finished book but there is room for improvement. The typography, backgrounds
and page layouts are something that needs to be addressed.
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